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Privacy and Security Statement

SunSetter Products knows that you care how information about you is used and shared, and we appreciate your trust that we will do so carefully and sensibly. This notice describes our privacy policy. By visiting the web site, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice.

What personal information about you does SunSetter Products gather?

The information we learn from you helps us communicate to you about our products or special offers, personalize and continually improve your shopping experience with SunSetter. Here are the types of information we gather:

  • Information you give us:We receive and store any information you enter on our web site or give us in any other way (by phone, by mail, by fax, by e-mail, etc.). For example, we collect your name and mailing address, your e-mail address, and your phone number. We also collect financial information including social security number, if you request credit approval for our Easy-Pay-Plan. We use the information that you provide for such purposes as responding to your requests, customizing future shopping interaction for you, and communicating with you.
  • Automatic information:We receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with us through our Web site. For example, like many Web sites, we use "cookies", and we obtain certain types of information when your Web browser accesses Examples of information we collect and analyze include the Internet Protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet; e-mail address; browser type and version; operating system and platform; the full Uniform Resource Locators (URL) clickstream to, through, and from our Web site, including date and time; cookie number; products you view or search for.
  • Information from other sources:For reasons such as improving personalization of our product offering, we might receive information about you from other sources and add it to our database. We also sometimes receive updated delivery and mailing address/e-mail address information from our shippers or other sources so that we can correct our records and deliver your next purchase or communicate more easily.

What about Cookies?

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer’s hard drive through your Web browser to enable our systems to recognize your browser and to provide features such as personalization and storage of information you already gave us between visits. This interim storage will relieve you from re-entering personal data and preferences in future visits.

The "HELP" portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. However, cookies allow you to take full advantage of some of ordering features, and we recommend that you leave them turned on.

How secure is information about me?

We work to protect the security of your information during transmission by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), which encrypts information you input.

How Does Encryption Work?

Encryption is based on a key that has two different parts. The public part and the private part. The public part of the key is distributed to those you want to communicate with. The private part is for the recipient's use only.

When you send personal information to, you use SunSetter's public key to encrypt your personal information. That means, if at any point during the transmission your information is intercepted, it is scrambled and very difficult to decrypt. Once SunSetter receives your encrypted personal information, we use the private part of our key to decode it.

We reveal only the last four digits of your credit card numbers when confirming an order. Of course, we transmit the entire credit card number to the appropriate credit card company during order processing.

How does SunSetter Products use or share the information we collect?

SunSetter Products is not in the business of selling consumer information to others. We share and use the information we collect only in order to service you better as described below:

  • Postal mail communications: We use postal mail to advise you about special discounts available, or product information. We share your name and address information with mailing houses that send on our behalf the information to you. If you wish not to receive periodical information from us, please let us know by sending us a message via e-mail or postal mail, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-876-2340.
  • E-mail communications: We use e-mail to communicate with you in a quicker and more efficient way, advising you about special discounts available, new products, responding to your questions or to confirm your orders or shipments to you. We share your e-mail address with companies that send these e-mail messages to you on our behalf. In an effort to avoid sending you unnecessary or duplicate messages, we compare periodically our mailing list with lists received from other companies. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please let us know by sending us a message via e-mail or postal mail, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-876-2340.
  • Phone Communications: We might use the phone to communicate with you, advising you about special discounts available, verifying incomplete orders or responding to your questions, in compliance with the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. We might contact you by phone if you have previously contacted us to request information about our products and special offers, or if you unsuccessfully attempted to place an order on our website. If you do not want to receive phone calls from us, please let us know by sending us a message via e-mail or postal mail, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-876-2340.
  • Agents: We employ other companies or individuals to perform functions on our behalf. Examples include fulfilling information request, fulfilling orders, delivering packages, removing duplicate information from our database, analyzing data, providing marketing assistance, processing credit card payments, and providing customer service. They have access to personal information needed to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
  • Business transfers: As we continue to develop our business, we might sell or buy assets. In such transactions, consumer information generally is one of the transferred business assets. Also, in the unlikely event that SunSetter Products Limited Partnership, or substantially all of its assets are acquired, consumer information will of course be one on the transferred assets.
  • Protection of SunSetter Products and Others: We release account or other personal information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with law; or protect the rights, property, or safety of SunSetter Products, our customers, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection, payment collection and credit risk reduction.

What choices do I have?

  • You can always choose not to provide information, even though it might be needed to make a purchase, or to take advantage of periodical offers and new product information. If you do not want to receive e-mail or other mail from us, please let us know by sending us a message via e-mail or postal mail, or by calling us toll free at 1-800-876-2340.
  • This Privacy Notice will always govern your interaction with SunSetter Products. It is your responsibility to review it for changes.
  • The "HELP" portion of the toolbar on most browsers will tell you how to prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, how to have the browser notify you when you receive a new cookie, or how to disable cookies altogether. However, you will not be able to order online if you do not use cookies.

Notices, and Revisions

If you choose to visit, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Notice, including limitation on damages, arbitration of disputes, and application of the law of the state of Massachusetts. If you have any concern about privacy at SunSetter Products, please send us a thorough description to, and we will try to resolve it. Our business changes constantly. This Notice will change also, and use of information that we gather now is subject to the Privacy Notice in effect at the time of use. You should check our web site frequently to see recent changes.